16 October 2017

Press statement by MCA Publicity Spokesman (English/Bahasa Malaysia) cum Religious Harmony Bureau Chairman Dato’ Sri Ti Lian Ker

Selangor Sultan should be praised for making the right move on Zamihan


1)       The Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Sultan Idris should be praised for his bold move to instruct the Selangor Islamic Council (MAIS) to revoke the preaching credentials of Zamihan Mat Zin.


2)       MCA lauds the public advice and timely reminder by the Monarch on the necessity to curb the  emerging trend of disrespect and defiance against the Federal Constitution and our constitutional monarchy. These rare interferences  by the Malay Rulers are  in the interest of protecting the religion of the Federation ( Islam) and this will  also augur well for  the good and harmony of our  multiracial country. MCA is pleased that our check and balance system is  intact and am  thankful for the role  of the Malay Rulers for their courage, wisdom and foresight ! This is the kind of Malaysia we aspire our home to be, one that is tolerant and inclusive for all races and religions.

3)       Regretfully there are now groups and  ndividuals who are beginning to  show and display signs of defiance and disrespect to the Royal Institutions whose constitutional duties among others are to protect the good name of our state religion. This attempt to undermine and challenge the roles, duties and responsibilities of our constitutional monarch is a dangerous emerging trend that must be curbed immediately by our authorities to put back in place a  semblance of order and respect to our  Constitution and institutions.

4)       MCA laudsd the  move by the Selangor Sultan that is tantamount to a slap in the face of bigotry and the creeping threat of "Talibanisation" in our country. We hope that more proactive and positive actions are taken by authorities to curb this emerging threat to our national peace and harmony.  

5)       What the Sultan of Selangor has done is to send a very strong message against racism and bigotry in the country. This is something very pleasing to all Malaysians. Our Sultans are there to remind us and to  be mindful and respectful of our norms and practices and also to preserve our harmony and respect for the Federal Constitution.  

6)       MCA urges more authorities and institutions  to follow suit and make calls to the people of Malaysia to end racism and champion togetherness and tolerance. We are proud of the check and balance asserted by the Malay Rulers where politicians have failed.

7)       In a rare display of powers inherent to the institution, the Council of Malay Rulers had publicly  ticked  off individuals who have displayed arrogance in words and excessive deeds. This rare public interference is a timely reminder for all to respect the spirit and content of the Federal Constitution that is founded on a multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-culture premise.

8)       MCA once again lauds the proactive, positive and timely intervention by the Malay Rulers and the  Selangor Sultan to protect the good name of Islam as the religion of the federation.

Dato’ Sri Ti Lian Ker
MCA Publicity Spokesman ( Bahasa Malaysia / English )
MCA Religious Harmony Bureau Chairman


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