9 April 2018

Press statement by MCA Publicity Bureau Chairman Senator Dato’ Chai Kim Sen

UEC recognition is hopeless if one scrutinises Pakatan’s manifesto word by word

Pakatan Harapan has many reservations when it comes to UEC recognition. The requirements are too strict and lack sincerity. Pakatan Harapan should re-examine its pledges, especially when their prime minister designate Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad personally admitted that Pakatan’s Manifesto is impossible to be implemented.  

Pakatan’s Manifesto is all about Malay supremacy. When it comes to the interests of the Chinese, it tries to dodge or put forward various reservations, as if the Manifesto is to be abandoned anytime.

Page 135 of Pakatan’s Manifesto reads: Pakatan Harapan akan mengiktiraf sijil UEC sebagai syarat am kelayakan untuk memasuki institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) dengan syarat pemohon memiliki kepujian dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu di peringkat SPM. Untuk tujuan ini, sijil UEC akan dinilai agar setaraf dengan syarat am kelayakan sedia ada untuk kemasukan ke IPTA

The excerpt from the text ‘‘akan dinilai agar setaraf dengan syarat am kelayakan sedia ada’’ means that the current requirement for admission into public universities must have five credits including Bahasa Malaysia, as well as a pass in History.

The Malaysian Examinations Council had issued a directive to State Education Departments in 2011. At that time, PPBM President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin happened to be the Minister of Education, in which the directive also mentioned that the then Minister of Education had pointed out in a parliamentary reply that, starting from 2013, only a pass in History would qualify for the issuance of SPM certificate.

I hope Pakatan Harapan can make a clear explanation on this, and not continuously deceive voters.

Senator Dato’ Chai Kim Sen
MCA Publicity Bureau Chairman
MCA Deputy National Organising Secretary

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