More price hike$ for students - PH Govt’s maiden Budget for 2019 heavily $lashe$ allocation for TAR UC

In the tabling of Budget 2019 by the Pakatan government, the administrative allocation for Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC) has invited much attention.

During the former Barisan Nasional’s administration, from 1970s onwards, the annual administrative expenses for TAR University College were subsidised in the form of RM1 for every RM1. In 2012, the government had set the ceiling at RM60 million. Therefore, the allocations received by TAR UC in the past years ranged between RM30 million and RM60 million, the figures were clearly stated in the Budget.

However, for next year, under Budget 2019, only RM5.5 million was allocated as development grant.

It is MCA’s hope that the administrative allocation for TAR UC will not be relegated as a symbolic development grant. After all, TAR UC was established with the aims of providing quality tertiary education at affordable prices. If the administrative allocation is greatly reduced, then the campus will be forced to adjust its tuition fees accordingly, so as to cope with daily operations, which would increase the burden of students in the end!

-MCA online-