18 January 2022


Press statement by MCA Spokesperson Wong Siew Mun


2 suggestions for MOH to prevent fake vaccination certificate incidents involving private clinics


With the latest arrest of six workers and the owner of a private polyclinic in Gombak over the issuance of fake vaccination certificates, it is apparent that corrective action needs to be taken immediately. Hence, here are two suggestions that can be implemented to prevent such incidents in the future:


1. Review the existing vaccination SOP adopted by private clinics, as well as the list of authorised clinics by following certain criteria;


2. Enhance the supervision mechanism for authorised private clinics and impose harsher punishments to issuers and users of fake vaccination certificates.


Within this month, there have been two arrests involving private clinics for issuing fake vaccination certificate. Hence, these 2 arrests are likely just the tip of the iceberg, causing worries that more may still be operating in the dark.


Therefore, the Ministry of Health could review and tighten existing regulations to filter the list of authorised private clinics based on medical qualifications, operating history etc.


Furthermore, to prevent the AntiVax group from gaining more traction, all individuals involved in the issuance and usage of fake vaccination certificates should be dealt harsher punishments to create a deterrent effect.


The COVID-19 pandemic remains a real threat each day. Thus, we urge all AntiVaxxers to rethink their decision, get accurate information on vaccination, and support the nation’s effort to vaccinate the people and save lives.


Wong Siew Mun

MCA Spokesperson


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