3 November 2016

Press statement by MCA Religious Harmony Bureau Chairman Dato’ Sri Ti Lian Ker

Behave yourself Red Shirts! Your prone-to-violence antics actually glorifies Malaysiakini

While MCA is concerned regarding the biased slant by Malaysiakini’s news reporting which usually tends to the favour the Opposition whilst belittling the ruling BN coalition, nevertheless our party is opposed to the repeated threats by the Red Shirts be it against Bersih2.0 chairman Maria Chin and now, their latest target  - against the Malaysiakini premises with its warning that a portion of the online portal’s office building will “runtuh (collapse, be torn down) if Malaysiakini did not submit to them reports of their purported funding George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF).

MCA disagrees with both Bersih 2.0 taking to the streets for Bersih 5 to topple the democratically elected BN ruling federal government, which has since sparked counter-demonstrations by the Red Shirts, which in different locations, have grown violent with assaults and harassment against the Bersih 5 convoy and reporters from The Star.

However, a line must be drawn as the apparent refrain or “soft” approach to act against Dato’ Seri Jamal Yunus has emboldened the Red Shirts like as if coercing media houses and the public into silence.

The Red Shirts may stage a peaceful assembly outside the perimeters of the Malaysiakini headquarters provided that the sufficient 10-day notice has been forwarded to the police and approval granted. As they question Malaysiakini’s alleged foreign funding, they should behave in a civilised manner by forwarding a protest memo.

Any threats to harm people, cause injury or destruction of a building structure must be dealt with in accordance with the law. The Penal Code contains such laws against public nuisance, vandalism, sedition, attempted threat and physical violence to life and property.

The Red Shirts must realise that their threats will not earn them attention on addressing the issue of foreign funding to media agencies with the purpose of destabilising the country, but paradoxically, will gain more fans and sympathy for Malaysiakini. Effectively, the actions and verbal threats of the Red Shirts will make martyrs out of Malaysiakini by portraying them as persevering for media freedoms under the strains of persecution by a group which has proven themselves to be hooligans in public life.

We laud the police for stationing its personnel including members from the Federal  Reserve Unit to guard the Malaysiakini premises as well as their staff. On the day which Jamal warns of bringing 20,000 Red Shirts followers, we likewise hope the police will make their presence felt to continue to accord Malaysiakini’s premises and its staff protection and safety as accorded by law.

Dato’ Sri Ti Lian Ker
MCA Religious Harmony Bureau Chairman
MCA Central Committee Member
MCA Kuantan Division Chairman

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