14 March 2018

Press statement by MCA Publicity Spokesman cum Religious Harmony Bureau Chairman Dato’ Sri Ti Lian Ker

Mahathir Spins In Denial

Mahathir should have stopped insulting the intelligence of the average Malaysians. Why is it so difficult for people like him or Nazri Aziz (who had proclaimed Mahathir his master) to repent or seek forgiveness when you are obviously in the wrong.

To seek an apology and to repent are two compulsive traits that a true Malay must have. This is the core of the Malay culture ie “Bertaubat” and “Bermaaf-maafan”.  At Mahathir’s age most would do some introspection, soul searching, confess, repent and seek forgiveness. Unfortunately he has chosen to continue being a recalcitrant and be a master spinner. Is this the reform that Pakatan Harapan is promising us Malaysians? Another route to Mahathirism with a new twist towards a national rewrite of history and a nation in denial.

Oh No! Mahathir is not at fault on the sacking of the Lord President and few judges. It was the fault of the King. The mass arrest of political dissidents and activist in Ops Lalang was the fault of the police. The sacking of Anwar Ibrahim was done by Umno Supreme Council. The Memali incident was the fault of his deputy Musa Hitam and so on... Are we going to allow two more years of Mahathir at the helm to right the wrongs that he has committed for 22 years. Another 2 years will extend Mahathir’s rule to 24 years. The number 24 in Chinese is a jinx meaning “sure die” or destined for death.

Mahathir’s attempts at self-cleansing in Sin Chew was not targeted at the Malays or English speaking Chinese voters. He was targeting and desperately trying to convince the DAP Chinese that he was not all that bad.

He had told the Malays that DAP is more Malaysian than MCA. Besides being a multiracial party by name, DAP had been consistently chauvinistic to the core until of late where they partnered Semangat 46, PKR, PAS, Amanah and now PRIBUMI.

Now is the time to bewitched the DAP Chinese that he was not at fault for putting Anwar , Lim Kit Siang , Kua Kia Soong, Tan Chai Ho etc etc in jail under ISA. At his age, Mahathir is not going to admit his wrongdoings, repent and seek forgiveness. If only the late Karpal Singh is around , he will demand in all conscience for Mahathir to “taubat “ or repent and leave politics to the younger. Instead Lim Kit Siang and the entire DAP is covering up Mahathir’s past by saying he’s a changed man and is now on a path of reform. Kit Siang has always asserted that Malaysia is doomed during Mahathir’s rule. That was past?

How much longer are we going to be forced into our throats these political lies, spins and untruths? Are we going to vote for Mahathir’s return to allow him another two years of Mahathirism to rewrite national history and right all his wrongs? Again I am reminded of the numerical jinx 24 that means destined for death!

Oh No, Not Me!

Dato’ Sri Ti Lian Ker
MCA Publicity Spokesman
MCA Religious Harmony Chairman

-MCA Online-