25 September 2017

Press statement by MCA Publicity Spokesman (English/Bahasa Malaysia) cum Religious Harmony Bureau Chairman Dato’ Sri Ti Lian Ker

Subromaniam’s appointment as Customs DG is an example of Najib’s 1Malaysia policy

1)         I refer to news report in which Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Razak said he stood his ground on the appointment of Customs Department Director-General Dato’ T. Subromaniam.

2)         This is yet another shining example of our Prime Minister fighting for the rights of non-Muslims and awarding them positions based on merit among others.  

3)         PM Najib had said he appointed Subromaniam because he was the most qualified senior officer in the Department. This appointment should be lauded, as it goes against the stereotype that only Malays will be appointed to such high positions within the government sector.

4)         The premier should be further applauded for not caving in to extremist groups that lobbied or insisted that a Malay be appointed instead.

This move and courage is in line with Najib’s 1Malaysia campaign, the inclusiveness of all races in the country and the watering down of racial considerations.

5)         Surprisingly DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang and the Ppposition who are quick to find faults are not as quick to give credence. They have remained quiet so far regarding when they should support or be giving credit where it is due.

6)         This is the sort of governance that MCA endorses and we hope more positions would be given to non-Muslims based on merit and merit alone unlike during the era of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad as premier.

7)         This is to ensure that Malaysia is on the right track and led by only the best talent in the country. Only the best have the best to offer on its route to becoming a developed nation and towards a flourishing economy.

8)         I am happy to note that Barisan Nasional under the leadership of Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Razak has the political will to stand his ground and make decisions that are best for the nation regardless of race.

9)         MCA looks forward to more cases like Subromaniam. In order to encourage and support this trend and uphold the spirit of 1Malaysia, together let us ensure BN under Najib Razak gets a bigger mandate from all races come next general elections. A bigger mandate will allow the Prime Minister to hold and walk steadfast on the route towards the spirit of one nation along 1Malaysia. A bigger mandate is needed to make the necessary changes to ensure the country progresses in the right direction acknowledging its plural content.

Dato’ Sri Ti Lian Ker
MCA Publicity Spokesman (English/Bahasa Malaysia)
MCA Religious Harmony Bureau Chairman

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