29 March 2020

Press statement by MCA Secretary General Datuk Chong Sin Woon

MCA to lodge protest at Taipei Economic & Cultural Office:

Taiwan TV presenter Li Zheng Hao’s comments belittled Malaysia’s effort to fight Covid-19

Remarks by Taiwan TV commentator Li Zheng Hao which slammed Malaysia’s efforts in combating the Covid-19 pandemic warrant criticism and chastisement. Li’s remarks are incoherent, and filled with ignorance and prejudice.

MCA will formally file a protest at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia, demanding that Li Zheng Hao and the TV station to apologise to all Malaysian citizens.

Li had made a false statement out of nothing and had seriously stigmatised Malaysia’s image. In particular, distortion permeated when he miscomprehended about the burial rites of Muslims when when he broached that departed remains were dealt with by the roadside at night. Such comments are seriously misleading and offend sensitivities.

The TV station had hastily invited guests to comment on other countries in order to drive ratings. Not only are Li’s comments not based on actual evidence, it reeks of ignorance and prejudice.

Datuk Chong Sin Woon
MCA Secretary General

-MCA online-