17 April 2019


Press Statement by MCA Cheka State Assemblyman Lee Ah Wong



“Pendatang” remark unbefitting of an Assemblyman; Disciplinary action must be taken


I call upon UMNO to take swift disciplinary action against Kemayan state Assemblyman Datuk Mohd Fadil Osman who had made bigoted and extremist statements in the Pahang State Legislative Assembly and instruct him to apologise to the Chinese and Indian communities. Make him an example, so other members and lawmakers can be reminded to be mindful of their words. Manifest UMNO’s determination in respecting and treasuring the peace and unity we have across racial lines. 


Yesterday, Mohd Fadil claimed that providing allocations to Chinese and Tamil vernacular schools is equivalent to destroying unity. He asserted that 90% of these students are unable to speak fluent Bahasa Malaysia. He then went on to compare these students to “pendatang”.


During the question-and-answer session, Mohd Fadil did not observe the state Legislative Assembly’s procedures when he provocatively directed questions to the DAP state Assemblymen, instead of the Pahang state Excos. His following words were derogatory, and filled with ill intentions to frame vernacular school students as the destroyers of unity. It is both insulting and unreasonable at the same time to assume these hard-working students are unable to converse in Bahasa Malaysia.


It is immensely disappointing to learn that Mohd Fadil attempted to fend for himself later on by pinning all the blame on the media. He could not, or would not, own up to his own mistake for making such indiscreet remarks.


To prevent similar transgressions from occurring again, Barisan Nasional must institute a disciplinary body as soon as possible to investigate and correct misconducts internally. Any leaders who make inflammatory, extremist statements should be penalised by stripping them of their positions, suspending their party memberships or booting them out of their respective parties.


It has been 61 and half years since the independence of our nation. Malaysians from all ethnic communities have our roots deeply planted upon this land; our contributions to the development of the nation are undeniable. Meanwhile, we still get people like Mohd Fadi who objectionably label non-Bumiputeras as “pendatang”. It is absolutely disappointing and regrettable that a man of his position would utter such derogatory statements during the Pahang State Legislative Assembly. Clearly, he is unfit as a state Assemblyman.


Chinese and Tamil vernacular schools have always been part of Malaysia since its founding years. His remark is infuriating and creates unrest within our society. The police ought to immediately investigate him for sedition as a reminder to other Assemblymen to refrain from making such detrimental statements.  


The Federal Constitution safeguards the right of all Malaysians to use and study their mother tongue. Moreover, vernacular schools have long been integrated into the national education system and have an indisputable position in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025.


Lee Ah Wong

MCA Cheka State Assemblyman


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