5 August 2022

Press statement by MCA Spokesperson Chan Quin Er

Rewrite Federal Constitution to grant Malaysian mothers equal rights as Malaysian fathers

The next Dewan Rakyat sitting should consider tabling amendments to our Federal Constitution to read “either parent” or “either mother or father” or “both mother and father” may confer citizenship to their children born overseas. This will remove all doubts and any further discriminatory practices against Malaysian mothers.

More so, as we are in the month of Merdeka and Malaysia Day, such amendments will encapsulate the spirit of Keluarga Malaysia, values of citizenship, gender equality and freedoms, non-discriminatory practices which our Federal Constitution as the highest law of the land should aspire to be.

MCA cannot hide our disappointment with the Appellate Court’s decision that mothers with foreign husbands of children born overseas cannot automatically grant citizenship unto their newborns. Nevertheless, we do note that it was a majority 2-1 decision and not a unanimous judgement whereby the dissenting judge Datuk S. Nantha Balan highlighted that, in disallowing Malaysian women from passing citizenship unto their infants born abroad, such citizenship laws are discriminatory.

With this latest ruling, Malaysia remains one of the 25 countries where Malaysian mothers are denied equal rights as fathers under our nation’s citizenship laws.

Therefore, bipartisan support for Constitutional amendments to empower Malaysian mothers beyond our shores to enjoy equal rights as Malaysian fathers are urgently needed.

MCA wishes to pledge full support and solidarity for the six Malaysian mothers and Family Frontiers who intend to file an appeal with the Federal Court. Our legal team is ever ready and at their disposal.

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